Mayo Clinic. "Gut Touch" Mayo Clinic Researchers Discover Important Trigger for Serotonin Release. (8/21/2018)

Key Studies in Touch ResearchAdomat, R., & Killingworth, A. (1994). Care of the critically ill patient: The impact of stress on the use of touch in intensive therapy units. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19(5), 912-922.

Allison, L. K., Kiemel, T., & Jeka, J. J. (2006). Multisensory reweighting of vision and touch is intact in healthy and fall-prone older adults. Experimental brain research, 175(2), 342-352.

Andersson, K., Wändell, P., & Törnkvist, L. (2004). Tactile massage improves glycaemic control in women with type 2 diabetes: a pilot study. Practical diabetes international, 21(3), 105-109.

Ardiel, E. L., & Rankin, C. H. (2010). The importance of touch in development. Paediatrics & child health, 15(3), 153.

Atzil, S., Hendler, T., & Feldman, R. (2011). Specifying the neurobiological basis of human attachment: Brain, hormones, and behavior in synchronous and intrusive mothers. Neuropsychopharmacology, 36(13), 2603-2615.

Backman, L., & von Hofsten, C. (Eds.). (2002). Psychology at the Turn of the Millennium, Volume 2: Social, Developmental and Clinical Perspectives (Vol. 2). Psychology Press.

Barnett, C. R., Leiderman, P. H., Grobstein, R., & Klaus, M. (1970). Neonatal separation: the maternal side of interactional deprivation. Pediatrics, 45(2), 197-205.

Bartz, J. A. (2011). Serotonin and the Neurochemistry of Intimacy. Biological psychiatry, 69(8), 716-717.

Beckett, C., Bredenkamp, D., Castle, J., Groothues, C., O'CONNOR, T. G., & Rutter, M. (2002). Behavior patterns associated with institutional deprivation: a study of children adopted from Romania. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 23(5), 297-303.

Bell, H. C., Pellis, S. M., & Kolb, B. (2010). Juvenile peer play experience and the development of the orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal cortices. Behavioural brain research, 207(1), 7-13.

Bigelow, A., Power, M., MacLellan‐Peters, J., Alex, M., & McDonald, C. (2012). Effect of Mother/Infant Skin‐to‐Skin Contact on Postpartum Depressive Symptoms and Maternal Physiological Stress. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 41(3), 369-382.

Bingham, B., McFadden, K., Zhang, X., Bhatnagar, S., Beck, S., & Valentino, R. (2010). Early adolescence as a critical window during which social stress distinctly alters behavior and brain norepinephrine activity.Neuropsychopharmacology, 36(4), 896-909.

Björnsdotter, M., Löken, L., Olausson, H., Vallbo, Å., & Wessberg, J. (2009). Somatotopic organization of gentle touch processing in the posterior insular cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(29), 9314-9320.

Blackwell, P. L. (2000). The influence of touch on child development: Implications for intervention. Infants & Young Children, 13(1), 25-39.

Bond, C. (2002, December). Positive touch and massage in the neonatal unit: a British approach. In Seminars in neonatology (Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 477-486). WB Saunders.

Bonitz, V. (2008). Use of physical touch in the" talking cure": A journey to the outskirts of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 45(3), 391.

Bonanno, G. A., Galea, S., Bucciarelli, A., & Vlahov, D. (2006). Psychological Resilience After Disaster New York City in the Aftermath of the September 11th Terrorist Attack. Psychological Science, 17(3), 181-186.

Bora, E., Yucel, M., & Allen, N. B. (2009). Neurobiology of human affiliative behaviour: implications for psychiatric disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry,22(3), 320-325.

Bridges, K. M. B. (1932). Emotional development in early infancy. Child development, 324-341.

Brüne, M. (2005). “Theory of mind” in schizophrenia: A review of the literature.Schizophrenia Bulletin, 31(1), 21-42.

Buschmann, M. T., Hollinger-Smith, L. M., & Peterson-Kokkas, S. E. (1999). Implementation of expressive physical touch in depressed older adults. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 5(4), 291-300.

Bush, E. (2001). The Use of Human Touch to Improve the Well-Being of Older Adults A Holistic Nursing Intervention. Journal of holistic nursing, 19(3), 256-270.

Bush, George, et al. "Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex: a role in reward-based decision making." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99.1 (2002): 523-528.

Carlson, M. C., Saczynski, J. S., Rebok, G. W., Seeman, T., Glass, T. A., McGill, S., ... & Fried, L. P. (2008). Exploring the effects of an “everyday” activity program on executive function and memory in older adults: Experience Corps®. The Gerontologist, 48(6), 793-801.

Cascio, C. J. (2010). Somatosensory processing in neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders, 2(2), 62-69.

Chalmers, D. J. (1990). Consciousness and cognition. In On AI CD-ROM, Revision.

Chang, S. O. (2001). The conceptual structure of physical touch in caring. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 33(6), 820-827.

Choi, M. S., & Kim, G. J. (2011). Effects of Paters' Duola Touch during Labor on the Paternal Attachment and Role Confidence to Neonate and Couple Attachment. Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing, 17(4), 426-437.

Chodron, P. (2007). The places that scare you: A guide to fearlessness in difficult times. Shambhala Publications.

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Cooke, B. M., & Shukla, D. (2011). Double Helix: Reciprocity between juvenile play and brain development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 1(4), 459-470.

Cooney, C. A., Dave, A. A., & Wolff, G. L. (2002). Maternal methyl supplements in mice affect epigenetic variation and DNA methylation of offspring. The Journal of nutrition, 132(8), 2393S-2400S.

Corbin, L. W., Mellis, B. K., Beaty, B. L., & Kutner, J. S. (2009). The use of complementary and alternative medicine therapies by patients with advanced cancer and pain in a hospice setting: a multicentered, descriptive study.Journal of palliative medicine, 12(1), 7-8.

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Crane, J. D., Ogborn, D. I., Cupido, C., Melov, S., Hubbard, A., Bourgeois, J. M., & Tarnopolsky, M. A. (2012). Massage therapy attenuates inflammatory signaling after exercise-induced muscle damage. Science translational medicine, 4(119), 119ra13-119ra13.

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Dar, R., Kahn, D. T., & Carmeli, R. (2012). The relationship between sensory processing, childhood rituals and obsessive–compulsive symptoms. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 43(1), 679-684.

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Feifel, D., & Reza, T. (1999). Oxytocin modulates psychotomimetic-induced deficits in sensorimotor gating. Psychopharmacology, 141(1), 93-98.

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Feldman, R., Keren, M., Gross-Rozval, O., & Tyano, S. (2004). Mother–child touch patterns in infant feeding disorders: relation to maternal, child, and environmental factors. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43(9), 1089-1097.

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